
To be eligible to write the ExAC, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Hold Intern status with one of the Regulatory Organizations of Architecture in Canada (ROAC) and be in good standing (only full CACB certification is accepted; provisional certification does not meet the criteria for eligibility);
  2. Have a minimum of 2,800 experience hours recorded in your Canadian Experience Record Book which have already been approved by your licensing authority OR have submitted a minimum of 2,800 experience hours to your licensing authority for approval by the experience submission deadline of June 30, 2025 (please note that this submission of hours will only be considered complete when it has been signed off on by both your supervising architect and your mentor);
  3. Complete and submit the registration form along with payment of the applicable fee to your licensing authority before the registration deadline. 

Note: Hours submitted after the experience submission deadline will still be reviewed by the Licensing Authority, but cannot be reviewed in time in order for these hours to be considered toward their 2,800-hour requirement necessary to sit for the 2025 ExAC.