Request For Review


If you fail one or more sections of the ExAC, you may request a review of your exam results.

The request for review process exists as a quality assurance step to verify that the original determination of a ‘FAIL’ on one or more exam sections is a correct and accurate representation of your performance at the ExAC.

The red multiple choice sheets will be reviewed by hand against the answer key and analyzed to ensure that there was no inaccurate computer-scoring of the paper. The short answer booklets will be marked again by architects trained in exam marking.

Examinees will not be given a number score on their performance after the review. Only a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ determination will be made and will be issued in the form of a revised exam transcript. There will be no opportunity to review your exams for tips or help with passing failed sections. The results of this review is final and no further appeals will be considered.


The fee for requesting a review is $300, regardless of the number of exam sections to be reviewed. If the review determines that a failing score is to be replaced by a passing score, the fee will be refunded.

To Request a Review
  1. Complete the Request for Review form.
  2. Submit the form and payment of the applicable fee to your licensing authority.
  3. Make sure your licensing authority receives the form and payment before the deadline.